A loan helped to hire women to harvest her pandanus and men to help her husband harvest some of their kava plantation.

Lile's story

Lile and her husband have been working side by side in running their businesses of weaving and growing kava Tonga (Tongan beer).

The businesses have run for more than ten years now, and their five children have witnessed the improvement these two businesses have made in their lives.

The three eldest have finished their education, and two are still in school. Their school fees are paid by the income of these two businesses.

They own a piece of land, where they grow kava, crops and pandanus. Lile applies for this loan to hire a group of women to harvest her pandanus, and a group of men to help with harvesting some of their kava.

Lile mainly weaves taovala, using brown pandanus, for it is the type of pandanus that is grown in their island.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details