A loan helped a member to buy rafters in bulk to strengthen their initial capital.

Juvenal Renove Group's story

Mrs Josephine is a client of Hekima MFI and chairs the "JUVENAL RENOVE" village group. She is 51 years old, a widow, and the mother of 5 children, all of whom attend school.
She sells rafters and started this business 15 years ago using her own money for the start-up fund. She later got involved in the Hekima programme to support her business, which steadily evolved during this time.
With this new loan, she will purchase rafters wholesale, which will strengthen her initial capital. Her business is challenged by the closure of roads due to successive conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo's North Kivu region.
She would like for her children to continue studying and wants to be able to feed her family. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they have given to the owners of non bankable businesses amid the global crisis of Covid-19. The photo only shows the group's leader in respect of Covid-19 social distancing measures.

In this group: Mushagalusa, Josephine , Joseph, Fidele, Eunocher

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sarah Hill.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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