A loan helped a member to buy 500 chicks to raise and sell as chickens.

Diakhao Souf Group's story

This banc villageois was established in May 2009 and comprises women who are generally active in trade. They live in and around the same area and support each other.

Mme Ndiaya, the group's representative, is a 66-year-old married mother of five children, three of whom are girls. All the children attend school. She practises poultry rearing as a trade.

With her loan, she plans to buy 500 chicks and six sacks of feed. She works with a hotel in the city to which she delivers her entire output each rearing cycle. She produces new output every three months except for the overwintering period of July-September, which is not favourable to poultry rearing. She uses her profits to increase her savings and help her children with their schooling.

In this group: Ndiaya, Anna, Khar

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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Lenders and lending teams

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