A loan helped to buy more fishing equipment, such as nets and traps, to expand her fishing business.

Reun's story

Mrs. Reun S. is married with four children. She has been living in a commune located in Siem Reap Province. She and her husband earn a profit by fishing in a local lake and river which provides them with enough fish for their family. Mrs. Reun S. always wakes up early in the morning to go fishing and is back home in the evening time. Mrs. Reun S. then sells the fish that she has caught in the lake from her store located in her house.

As fishing is the family's core source of income, Mrs. Reun S. is asking for a loan of $400 USD to buy more fishing equipment, such as nets and traps, to expand her fishing business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details