A loan helped this new SBA 8(a), EDWOSB hire staff for new federal contracts!

Calvetta's story

I am a native of Seattle, Washington with over 20 years of entrepreneurial and business development experience. My strong leadership background, in addition to my sales and marketing expertise, were acquired during consulting tenures at Fortune 100 firms. I studied Mathematics and Computer Sciences.

At 11 years of age, I began to carve out my entrepreneurial niche by posting an ad in my local newspaper that read, “7th Grader Seeking Work.” Thus, I was immediately hired by a used book store owner making $7.00 per day by working after school.

Exemplifying a woman of vision and business divvy, with a progressive outlook for “thinking outside the box”, I have received numerous civic and related business awards from both colleagues and peers alike. Among them, I was bestowed the GE Capital Award for my leader and business method process improvements.

In 2003, I relocated my IT consulting firm, Phair Consultants, Inc to Miami, Florida in search of national and global exposure, and in 2004 my firm Phair Consultants, Inc. was Honoree for Miami, Florida's Minority New Business Award presented by the Minority Business Development Agency (http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/09/prweb154834.htm). Due to the economy recession, Phair Consultants, Inc. was closed in 2010. I went back into the corporate world and was later laid off. Giving one more try at entrepreneurship, I started America’s Workforce Solution, LLC in 2012 focusing on workforce solutions to put America back to work!

I am Founder and President of The On It Foundation – a National 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides free computers to low-income families with students in grades K-12. [http://www.TheOnItFoundation.org]. I am also an Inventor of patent pending software that streamlines personnel placement services. I have received recognition for her role as Junior Achievement of WA Entrepreneur Spokesperson, Co-Founder/President, of the Central Area Development Association (a Community Development Corporation) and creator of PersoFlex – a financial planning software for children that is currently used by a national financial institution.

My tenacity and passion for my business ventures, and assisting those in starting their own business, will definitely provide a strong foundation to serve my will in life and my endeavors of building a legacy.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About America's Workforce Solution, LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: americasworkforcesolution.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details