A loan helped to purchase more bags of nuts.

Glenda's story

Glenda is 38 years old and is from a rural Yelso village in Madang Province. She is married with four children and is living with her family in their village.

She is a farmer growing betel nuts her entire life and now is harvesting the fruits from her own garden and selling to earn income daily. This is how she takes care of her family.

Bettle nut is a common nut in Papua New Guinea which is planted and takes about 5 years to grow to bear fruits/nuts. These nuts get fully grown within 6 months and are ready to be taken down and sold.

It is one the most expensive nuts selling in the markets throughout Papua New Guinea and is chewed by all ages as young as seven years old. It can be chewed alone or with mustard and lime to add flavor, and turns red in the mouth when all the three are combined.

Glenda had been in this market for over five years and sees that with the increased population she is not able to meet the high demand. She has applied for this loan to purchase bags of betel nuts from the neighboring villages to meet the high demand because of the shortage in her own supply.

This loan is special because:

It promotes financial independence for marginalized women entrepreneurs.

Loan details

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