A loan helped to buy a shelf and a display case and supplies, such as noodles, oatmeal, barley, salt, oil, eggs, cold cuts, dairy, soft drinks.

Paola Lizbeth's story

Paola is a 26-year-old enterprising woman. She is single, has no children and currently lives with her parents. She is a charismatic and responsible person. Thanks to her parents she was able to finish high school.

She has a grocery store which has been providing groceries to the inhabitants of the García Moreno sector for three years.

Paola requests her first loan through Banco Vision Fund Ecuador. Her objective is to better adapt and increase the number of basic necessities in her store. She needs to buy accessories such as a shelf and a display case, as well as supplies such as noodles, oatmeal, barley, salt, oil, eggs, sausages, dairy products, soft drinks, snacks and candy.

Through her efforts she aspires to be able to grow financially so that her mother can stop working and take better care of her health. Her goal is to open another store to help her mother.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details