A loan helped to introduce new stock and expand her inventory.

Halimo's story

Halimo is a passionate entrepreneur and mother. She runs a grocery shop in the Kakuma refugee camp in Northern Kenya. She herself is a refugee from Ethiopia. She left due to constant violence and political instabilities.

Halimo decided to start a business right away when she arrived in Kenya, so she could support her family of six children. The business has grown in the few short years she has been running it. She was even able to give back to the community by employing a fellow refugee. Halimo is passionate, and shows she is willing to do whatever it takes to grow her business to make it one of the best in the camp.

A loan from Kiva would help her as working capital to purchase more groceries, dry goods, and household items.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees launch businesses to rebuild their lives.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details