A loan helped a member to buy ingredients to make tortillas.

Magueyito Group's story

Magueyito group is comprised of women entrepreneurs. They have a business but also take care of the home. They live in popular neighbourhoods where living conditions are so-so.
Candelaria, 59, is single and has five children who all graduated university. She makes and sells tortillas for a living. She started this business 36 years ago and this is her only source of income and how she managed to send her children to school and then university.
Her goal is to keep the business going to leave it to her children.
The other members of the group are Marbella, Karen, Yaxseri, Carmela, and Aida. All of them have a strong work ethic and want to see their businesses grow in order to earn more money and keep supporting their families.

In this group: Carmela, Aida Marina, Maria Candelaria, Marbella Berenice, Karen Yuriana, Yaxseri

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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