A loan helped to purchase a horse, acquire hay for his livestock, and allocate the remaining amount for construction.

Nurbek's story

Nurbek, a 46-year-old man, resides in the village of Erkinshilik in the Akmola region. Engaged in animal husbandry, he is married and has five children, ranging from an 18-year-old eldest son to an 8-year-old youngest son.

Nurbek ventured into livestock farming in 2012, starting with 2 cows and 5 head of small animals and constructing additional structures for the livestock. Currently Nurbek manages a livestock inventory comprising 10 cattle, 30 small livestock, and 5 horses.

He is currently in need of a loan amounting to 1,500,000 KZT. The funds will be used to purchase a horse, acquire hay for the livestock, and allocate the remaining amount for constructing a facility to house the cattle.

Nurbek sells beef and small livestock meat at reasonable prices as well as fresh and natural dairy products. Family relations are positive, with his wife consistently supporting him in all his endeavors and actively assisting in the business. Together, they occasionally travel to Astana to sell meat and dairy products.

With the support of rural financing programs, Nurbek has achieved various goals, including acquiring transportation, providing education for his children, purchasing a car for his son, and most importantly, expanding his livestock, thereby improving the financial well-being of his family and loved ones.

This loan is special because:

The loan extends access to financial services for those living in rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details