A loan helped to buy two pigs and 600 kg of feed.

Victorine's story

Victorine is a 58 year old married woman. She is the mother of two children who are living independently. She owns a brick house.

For the past seven years, Victorine has been raising pigs. Being that this proved to be financially beneficial, Victorine has decided to take another loan from Vahatra to support her livestock farming. She will use the money from this loan to buy two pigs and 600 kg of feed. She will sell the fattened pigs to a butcher in the city.

Victorine will continue to save the profits and intends to buy a milk cow in the future.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Esther Schmit.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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