A loan helped to buy more farm inputs and equipment to boost his farm.

Samson's story

Meet Samson, a resilient and hardworking single parent hailing from Eldoret, with a heart dedicated to transforming his family's future. With an unwavering commitment to providing for his family, Samson finds joy in his role as a farmer, specializing in the sale of products during the dry season, capitalizing on increased demand and reduced supply.
The loan is destined to be the catalyst for Samson's farming venture. Faced with challenges such as theft during night hours, he plans to fortify his farm with improved security measures. Samson envisions utilizing the loan to acquire a machine for efficient farm watering and bolstering his yields through strategic fertilization. Beyond personal gains, Samson contributes to his community by providing employment to local boys during farming seasons.
Samson's dreams extend far beyond his own family; he aspires to educate his children to higher levels, invest in sizable plots for rental properties, and purchase additional land. The loan he seeks is not just a financial lifeline but a stepping stone toward securing a brighter future for his family and making a positive impact in his community. To the global community of lenders, Samson appeals for continued support, emphasizing the transformative power of loans in empowering individuals to build a better tomorrow.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase supplies and agricultural equipment.

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