A loan helped to buy certified seeds, fertilizers, micro-nutrients and pesticides against fungus.

Joseph's story

Joseph is a descendent of an agricultural family and he has, therefore, continued with the family legacy. Through paddy farming he is able to generate income and improve the quality of life of his family. Being married and a father of two children has always motivated him to work hard for the betterment of their life. He is 33 years old.

Joseph is seeking financial assistance from Kiva to buy certified seeds, fertilizers, micro-nutrients and pesticides against fungus. By applying these materials, he will have a good paddy harvest and will sell it at a better price.

Since the loan is intended to be invested in his paddy farming expansion, the generated profit will be used to support his family to improve their basic needs and support his children’s education. Be inspired to support Joseph with a loan to make his life meaningful and consider his good credit history with Victoria Finance Plc.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Tanzania.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details