A loan helped a member to buy vegetables, meat, bread, green vegetables, condiments and other items.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

This committee is called Mujeres Emprendedoras [Enterprising Women], as this is what they are: enterprising women who are fighting for a better quality of life so that their loved ones can have everything they need and they can provide them with a better quality of life.
Ramona Catalina is a member of the group who contributes to supporting her family by selling foods which she makes and sells herself. She comments that she is looking for ways to improve her modest business, so that she can continue providing her family with a decent life where they do not have to go without.
Ramona Catalina is happy with the committee, as together they help one another to get ahead like a real team and their enterprising spirit helps her to achieve her goals and better herself.
She is requesting this loan to buy ingredients to make her foods, such as vegetables, meat, bread, green vegetables, condiments and other items.
Note: the child in the photo is the daughter of one of the members of the group who are signing this loan.

In this group: Ramona Catalina, Mirna Clotilde, Pablina, Lidia Mariana, Eva Luisa, Nathalia Elizabeth, Natalia Lissete, Fidelina, Nazaria Inocencia, Graciela Concepcion, Maria Aurora, Soledad Arami, Teresa Dejesus, Librada, Jacqueline Haydee, Andrea Noemi, Amalia Raquel, Nancy Raquel, Delia Beatriz, Diana Emilce, Maria Carolina, Monica Isabel, Maria Concepcion

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details