A loan helped a member to buy disinfectant, soap, and plastic containers.

Avanzamos De Rivas Group's story

From Rivas Nicaragua meet the Avanzamos de Rivas communal association. It is in its 3rd cycle and is made up of 8 clients. They are described as having excellent payment behavior. The main businesses are selling cleaning products, selling food, a convenience store, and selling clothes.

Erenesto Miguel (he wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, and is seated) is 45 years old and has 1 daughter. His partner works at a business. Three people live in his home. Ernesto Miguel's business is selling cleaning products, and he has had it for 4 years. What he likes the most about his business is serving his customers and the income he obtains. The loan will be invested in buying floor disinfectant, soap, and plastic gallon containers. Ernesto Miguel's hopes and dreams are to have a solid business so that he can provide employment opportunities to other people. His advice for all women is to work with Pro-Mujer to start a business.

You can be a part of his progress !

In this group: Lesther Ramon , Maria Victoria Del Socorro , Juana Luisa , Esther Karolina , Maria Elena , Martha Elena , Martha Auxiliadora , Ernesto Miguel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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