A loan helped to buy chicken, sausages, ham, seasonings and drinks.

Reyna Elizabeth's story

Reyna lives in Jucuapa, in Usulután department. She is 28 years old and sells hot dogs. Reyna lives in her own home together with her children who are 10 and 6. She set up her business on her own initiative 5 years ago. It is located in the city center and is open from 9.00am to 6.00pm.

Reyna needs a loan to buy ingredients such as chicken, sausages, ham, seasoning and drinks. With this investment, Reyna will be in a better position to serve her customers. She will also be able to prepare her hot dogs with all the trimmings.

Reyna's aspiration is to have a strong business and to commit herself to it completely so that she can improve her finances and help her children to develop not only as people but also as professionals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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