A loan helped to enable rural Bangladeshi households to access clean cooking solutions, preventing daily health-damaging exposure to smoke from wood.

Atec Bangladesh's story

OUR SOLUTION: Households make a small one-time initial payment for a state-of-the-art smart (IoT) induction stove, comfortably manageable with their monthly income. ATEC advances the remaining expenses, which are offset by 100% data-verified carbon credits generated from the households' everyday cooking.

Kiva lenders finance the project upfront and recoup their loan through payments for the carbon credits sold to ATEC’s global partners, such as Engie and Fair Climate Fund. See our customer Rahela in the picture with her new eCook.

YOUR IMPACT: Your support will have a life-changing impact on over 300+ poor households in Bangladesh. It allows extending the Cook to Own program, giving Bangladeshi families a real way out of energy poverty, and assisting them in combating the threat of serious respiratory diseases and death.

A minimum of 400 hours per week can be saved, benefiting women collecting and using wood fuel for cooking, leading to increased household income.

This loan is special because:

Turning Clean Cooking into Profits for Bangladeshi Women in Carbon Markets

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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