A loan helped a member to buy bricks and cement.

La San Vicente Group's story

Francisca, age 54, lives with her children and her mother. She does not have relatives living abroad. Francisca works informally as a domestic employee from Monday to Saturday. She has done this for five years and it permits her to generate income for her economic responsibilities.

But she wishes to improve her house and so she requests a loan to buy bricks and cement. This investment will help her to have a more secure home, because at present it is made of laminate. Francisca wishes to have a pretty and decent home for herself and her family.

Francisca, Yesel, and Blanca comprise the solidarity group "La San Vicente". They are responsible people who all have the goal of getting ahead.

In this group: Yesel Carolina, Francisca, Blanca Lidia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers improve their living conditions and well-being.

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