A loan helped to purchase dairy cows.

Ospan's story

Ospan, a 62-year-old man residing in the village of Borzhar in the Turkestan region has been engaged in livestock farming for over 11 years.

Ospan is seeking a loan of KZT 2,000,000 to purchase dairy cows. Currently he has 12 head of cattle, keeping half of them in the pasture and half at home. Together with his pensioner wife and sons, they produce dairy products (cheese, sour cream and cream) and sell them to residents of neighboring villages. Ospan's products stand out for their quality, freshness and affordable prices, enabling him to establish a loyal customer base. Additionally, he raises cattle for fattening to sell meat products, making him a successful farmer today.

Ospan's main goal is to develop and expand his farming business to ensure the community always has access to fresh, natural products while providing a dignified life for his children and loved ones.

This loan is special because:

The loan extends access to financial services for those living in rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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