A loan helped to buy more fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, onions, apples, and strawberries to increase her sales and her family's income.

Nadia's story

Nadia is 58, married, and has 4 kids in different levels of education. She lives in a rural community in upper Egypt.

She has a small project store that she started 2 years ago when she asked for a Kiva loan. This project is considered the main source of income for her family.

She asks for a loan to expand her project by buying more fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, onions, apples, and strawberries to increase her sales and her family's income.

The profit will provide her kids with basic living needs, including food, clothes, and education. The profit will also help her to cooperate with her family to prepare for her sister's marriage.

She aspires to get this loan to continue her success and achieve her ambition.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details