A loan helped to buy a new batch of agricultural supplies that will enhance the production of his crops.

Jorge's story

Jorge is from Pitalito, Huila, and began harvesting more than 30 years ago. He owns a 1.5-hectare farm where he tends to approximately 7,000 coffee plants along with a small plot of plantains and vegetables. Jorge staggers his crops in diverse growth intervals that help him produce around 450 kilograms of coffee each month. He sells his products to a fixed distributor in the municipality.

Jorge is a single father who lives with his son in a house he built in the heart of his farm. His son attends the local school and helps his father with the crops in the afternoons.

A loan of $2,364,864 COP allows Jorge to purchase agricultural inputs that will strengthen the sustainability and performance of his crops.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

Loan details

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