A loan helped a member to buy fruit, such as papayas, grapes, apples, oranges, and milk.

Porvenir De Kiteni Group's story

This member is part of the "Porvenir de Kiteni" communal bank.

This member is Silvia. She continues running a juice business. She prepares different juices, like strawberry and milk, mixers and special juices. She's very entrepreneurial and hardworking. Through her business, this member wants to get ahead with her family. Her dream is to expand her juice selling business.

This member is requesting a loan to buy fruit, such as papayas, grapes, apples, oranges, and milk.

The members are grateful for the loans they've received and are committed to paying their installments.

In this group: Flavia, Moises, Rosana, Ecdwin, Ireni, Silvia, Honorato, Primitiva, Florentino, Flora, Herlinda, Gladys Valeria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Beatriz Yuste.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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