A loan helped to buy raw clay and nacazcol seeds in bulk quantities to have the raw materials to make earthenware.

Patricia Yeseni's story

Patricia is applying for another loan because she feels it is the right time to stock her business inventory. She also made this decision because she is satisfied with the service offered by the institution. She will buy raw clay and nacazcol seeds in bulk quantities to have the raw materials to make earthenware.

Thanks to a previous loan Patricia has been able to keep her business running, making and selling earthenware. This way her income has improved as has her family's lifestyle.

Patricia's family unit has not changed in regard to the number of its members.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It gives El Salvador's artists a chance to revive the local art of handcrafting.

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