A loan helped a member to buy seeds, compost, and fertilizer.

Gaviotas Group's story

Patricia del Carmen is 25 years old, in a relationship, and has a six-year-old child who is financially dependent on her. She has no relatives who live abroad.

Patricia del Carmen sells fruits and vegetables at a market in her community. She is doing very well and able to generate income to help with the household responsibilities. However, she wants to strengthen her business. For this reason, she is requesting a loan to buy seeds, compost, and fertilizer so that can improve her crops and offer more products to her customers.

Patricia del Carmen is a member of the solidarity group “Gaviotas” along with Laura and Maria. They are responsible people who seek to get ahead.

In this group: Maria Lourdes, Patricia Del Carmen, Laura Yesenia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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