A loan helped to buy materials to construct a coffee processing shed.

Eduar's story

Eduar is an expert farmer from Acevedo, Huila. He has more than 15 years in the field. He owns a two-and-a-half-hectare farm that he inherited from his family. He has around 12,000 coffee plants and some plantain trees. Besides his crops, he also owns a small shed where he raises pigs and chickens for reproduction and fattening.

Eduar is a single father. He lives with his son, brother and sister-in-law in a house they purchased together. His whole family plays a crucial role in sustaining the crops. A loan of $2,364,864 COP will help Eduar acquire materials to build a coffee processing shed. This will enhance the processing and quality control of his harvest and ensure a better market value.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

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