A loan helped a member to buy and sell shoes from catalogs.

Carisma Group's story

The group “Carisma” includes enterprising women who combine tending to their businesses with caring for their families. This group is in a rural municipality.

Aída, age 43, is married and has two children, but only one is her dependent and is of school age. With her business, she is able to support her husband with household expenses and the education of her child. She invests in orders for shoes. She sells from catalogs and on-line. She is paid in cash and obtains good profits. She wants to start another business, selling meat in her house, and she will invest in the supplies that she needs for that.

The other members of the group are Liliana, Rosario, Mariana, and Lucia. All are disciplined women who aspire to have larger businesses to generate better income and to continue supporting their families.

In this group: Mariana Luisa, Liliana Cecilia, Aida, Rosario Ines, Lucia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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