A loan helped a member to buy seeds and compost for the next planting.

Emprendedoras Eca Group's story

In the recent decades, women have expanded their participation in agriculture. As a result, they obtain economic resources to provide the necessities for their families.

For Claudia (age 35), it is vital to maintain this agricultural business and to instill in her family the importance of having options for generating income. She attended school for five years due to the lack of resources from having a large family (11). She is a wife and the mother of five (5 to 18 years). Two of them finished ninth grade, and three are in school.

For 7 years, Claudia, her husband, children, and twelve employees have worked hard raising corn, which they sell wholesale in their community. To generate more income, they sell meat, fruit ice creams, and chocolate-covered fruits (chocofrutas).

Claudia is requesting her first loan from Kiva to buy seeds and compost for the next planting. She imagines opening a convenience store.

Twelve women who come from the southern coast of Guatemala form the "Emprendedoras Eca" communal bank of Puente de Amistad. They are improving themselves thanks to their little businesses of agriculture (corn, chiles, and animals), convenience stores, and food.

For Claudia and the rest of her fellow bank members, it is necessary to participate in educational training as part of the "Microcrédito Plus" program for small loans, training, and health. In each training session, they learn about their health, businesses, families, and themselves.

Thank you, Kiva lenders!!

In this group: Claudia Elena , Ana, Manuela, Johana Beatriz, Jemima Azucena , Enma Tomasa , Santos , Mirna Marleny , Sandra Nohemi , Encarnacion , Maria Elizabeth , Glenda Marisol

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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