A loan helped to buy the supplies needed to replace the family's old stove.

Nina's story

Nina is a 44-year-old woman from the village of Sagaidac in the Cimislia region of southern Moldova. She is married and has two daughters aged three and eight years. Together with her husband they worked hard to build their own house and ensure a decent living for the future.

Nina's husband is retired; she has worked seasonally in the forest as a driver transporting timber. Her maternity leave recently ended, and she is now employed at the post office in her village.

In the house where Nina lives with her family, she carried out several renovation and construction projects. Now, the stove with which they heat themselves during the winter is not working. To resolve this situation, there is an urgent need to install a new stove. This will be expensive, and she does not have the necessary amount.

Thus, Nina decided to apply for a loan through Kiva to buy the supplies needed to replace the stove. With this loan she will be able to provide the family with the warmth and comfort it deserves for a better life.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

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