A loan helped to purchase calves at a favorable price from acquaintances in the village.

Yerzhan's story

Yerzhan, a 50-year-old resident of the village of Terecty in the Zhetysu region, exemplifies the success and resilience found in rural entrepreneurship. Engaged in animal husbandry for over a decade, Yerzhan is married, has three children, and operates a collective farm. His entrepreneurial journey began with a modest herd of 10 cattle, and with unwavering support from his wife and family, he has steadily expanded his enterprise. At present, Yerzhan manages a substantial livestock inventory, including 42 head of cattle, 23 horses, and 38 small cattle. Additionally, he employs two hired workers to assist with the day-to-day operations.

Recognizing the potential for growth, Yerzhan recently secured a KZT 1,300,000 loan to purchase calves at a favorable price from acquaintances in the village. Yerzhan is well-known and respected within the local farming community, where collaboration is based on trust and mutual respect. His family is fully committed to the success of the venture, understanding that animal husbandry is the primary source of income in their village.

Yerzhan's story highlights the significance of rural entrepreneurship and the positive impact it can have on both the individual and the community.

This loan is special because:

The loan extends access to financial services for those living in rural areas.

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