A loan helped a member to buy merchandise, such as pants, polo shirts, jackets and shoes.

Las Quillabambinitas Group's story

These borrowers belong to the Las Quillabambinitas communal bank. It is located in the district of Echerate, in the province of La Convencion, in the department of Cusco.

Dalmata Yhamily is a hardworking women who works selling seasonal clothing. She has been in the market for some time. She buys clothes from different places, and then sells from her establishment, according to the season.

She wants to expand her business as demand is high. Dalmata seeks a loan to buy merchandise, such as pants, polo shirts, jackets and shoes.

The baby in the photo is the daughter of a member. Dalmata is happy with Kiva and grateful.

In this group: Leonarda, Dalmata Yhamily, Maycoll Alexander, Juana, Katherine Rocio, Catherine Diana, Elmer Elexis

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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