A loan helped a member who would like to purchase cattle for his breeding.

Wendkonta De Kindi Ppa Group's story

The group is composed of five members, all men, represented by a leader named Belegré. He is married and 56 years old, and is a father to 6 children. He works in breeding and has been doing this for over 10 years. He wants the loan to purchase cattle to reinforce his breeding. The cattle are well fed, and monitored by a veterinarian.

After having well fed and admired his cattle, he additionally sells them at a reasonable price, which is what makes his business work well. After sales he will have a profit that will allow him to handle the needs of his family and continue his business. He is on his 1st loan contract with ACFIME and agrees to respect the due date unique for payments.

In this group: Belegré, Noraogo, Ousseni, Michel

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It helps underserved farmers increase their output.

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