A loan helped a member to buy fresh fruits and vegetables for sale.

Kuña Marangatu Group's story

Kuña Marangatu is the name of this committee, whose members seek a better future for their families, to be able to have a dignified life without needs and a better future. They are all part of the poverty elimination program, where they all set as a goal to overcome their poverty situation.

Maria Rossana is one of the members, who is looking for a way to get ahead and improve her business in order to help her family through her work. She sells fruit and vegetables, and says that her goal is to improve her business so that she can invest in her work and get ahead.

She is requesting this loan in order to have a wider variety of products to offer her clients and to be able to continue selling as she has been doing.

Note: The girl in the photo is the daughter of one of the members of the group signing this loan.

In this group: Maria Ofelia, Rumilda De Jesus, Ydalina, Ana Rosa, Maria Ester, Liz Elizabeth, Alba Elizabeht, Maria Silveria, Felicia, Adriana, Zulma Beatriz, Miguelina, Elida Noemi, Idalina, Liz Diana, Maria Del Rosario, Claudelina, Kathia Araceli Arami, Lurdes Paola, Maria, Yudith Maria, Sonia Elizabeth, Georgina, Maria Rossana, Gricelda, Celia, Mary Esther

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details