A loan helped to purchase organic fertilizers that will enhance the sustainability of his crops.

Alvaro's story

Álvaro is a senior farmer native to Isnos, Huila, with over 40 years of experience in this field. Currently, he owns a one-and-a-half-hectare terrain where he cultivates 6,000 coffee plants along with 130 plantain trees and a small batch of vegetable crops. Alvaro diligently maintains his crops and harvests half a ton of monthly production which he sells to fixed clients in his region.

Alvaro lives in a house he built a few kilometers from his crops. He has five adult children who constantly help him during the harvest and collection season.

A loan of $2,364,868 COP helps Álvaro to purchase both organic and chemical fertilizers. These inputs will improve the soil quality, ensuring enhanced and sustained yields from his coffee and plantain crops.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

Loan details

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