A loan helped a member to buy food products.

06-Koffia Keur Momar Group's story

This group of 6 members was created in May 2011. The members live in the same area and maintain good relationships.

The goal of creating the group was to allow the members to develop their economic activities and to have access to the banking sector. Their main activity is the commerce of diverse products.

Minetou is the group representative. She is on the right of the photo with her hand raised. She is 59 years old and married. She has 6 children, 2 are boys.

She mainly works by selling various products. Minetou owns a shop at her home where she sells rice, oil, peanuts, spices, and other products.

This loan she has taken out allows her to buy her merchandise wholesale. With the earnings, Madame Minetou plans to grow her work, to save a part of the earnings, and to buy a sheep.

In this group: Awa, Minetou, Keka, Rome, Diarry, Khaidame

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Bonnie Zaleski.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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