A loan helped a member to buy fresh fruit and vegetables to sell.

San Jose Obrero Group's story

The communal bank San Jose Obrero was formed by female friends and neighbours coming together with the goal to grow not only their finances, but also for personal growth, and move forward together.

This group is in its 23rd cycle of the women's committee group and is part of the elimination of poverty program named "Poverty Stoplight".

Milagros Luciana is a hard-working woman who, through much effort and dedication, empowered herself and improved her business every day. She runs a business selling fruits and vegetables. She tells us she wants to grow and be able to provide for her loved ones.

She defines herself as a fighter and despite daily challenges finds a way to give her best to her family, so they can have a enjoy a better future and have their needs met.

She's happy to get this chance to be part of this group as it's an amazing opportunity for her and her colleagues.

She is requesting a loan to buy fresh fruit and vegetables to stock up on inventory to sell and get ahead.

In this group: Olga Beatriz, Clara Casimira, Vanessa Maria, Marta Victoria, Emilse Raquel, Luz Bella, Sirley Patricia, Aida Natalia, Sandra Beatriz, Hermelinda, Adelina, Luz Marlene, Luz Maricela, Milagros Luciana, Dolly Arminda

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Beatriz Yuste.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details