Mrs. Feza is a Hekima IMF client and chairs the village group, "SUCCES." She is a 42-year-old married mother of 9 children who are all school-aged.
Mrs. Feza's husband is a carpenter. She is a food vendor. She started this business 2 years ago with the start-up funds she received from her husband. She later joined the Hekima program in order to support her business. During this time, she evolved in her business.
With this new loan, Mrs. Feza will stock up on corn and cassava meal, which will help to bolster her initial capital. The main challenge facing her business is due to unpaid debt.
Mrs. Feza would like for her children to continue their studies and for her to grow her business. Last, but not least, she wishes to thank Hekima and its partners for the support provided to struggling business owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. The photo shows only the group leader due to COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions.
In this group: Alphonsine, Martine, Feza, Jeanne, Olive, Magdalene, Valence, Ramazani, Francoise, Siuzike, Jeanne, Mufabule, Marie, Clarisse, Anastasie, Georges, Heritier, Esther, Seraphin, Francoise, Georgette, Nicaise Victor, Cristian, Martha, Geogette
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Anita Whitby. View original language description.