A loan helped to connect her home to the aqueduct system.

Lidia's story

Lidia is 63 years old and has been widowed for many years. She raised and educated her two children, who now have their own households, by herself. Lidia works as a saleswoman and lives in a modest house in her village. Her home is not connected to the aqueduct, so she must carry buckets of water from a well that is located far from her house. Due to her age, it is more difficult to transport heavy buckets of water. The lack of water is more of a problem in the summer because the wells dry up because of the high temperatures.

Lidia hopes to have the help of a Kiva loan so that she can have better hygienic conditions, hot tap water, and an automatic connection to the washing machine in her home.

This loan is special because:

It improves a family’s health through water and sanitation.

Loan details

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