A loan helped to buy duvets, sets of sheets, trainers, sandals, t-shirts, trousers, shorts, leggings, etc.

Maria Victoria's story

Maria Victoria and her family live in San Clemente which is a fishing town. Its main industries are fishing, extracting salt, tourism and arts and crafts based on fishing nets, seashells and snails.
Maria Victoria works selling catalogue products such as shoes, clothes, sets of sheets and duvets. She takes her products to her customers from door to door and she does this in her spare time. She leaves her products with her customers on credit and she charges them weekly.
This loan is to buy duvets, sets of sheets, trainers, sandals, t-shirts, trousers, shorts, leggings, etc.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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