A loan helped a member to buy nail polish, files and pliers, among other products.

San Jose Group's story

San Jose is the name of this group, formed thanks to the desire for improvement of all its members, who set themselves the goal of getting ahead, not only economically, but also as people, so that together they can move forward and succeed.

One of them is Zunilda, who works in the manicure service. She comments that she has a modest business that she started with a lot of effort, and that little by little and with her daily dedication, it improved.

She comments that, through her work, she generates an income to cover the daily needs of her household, so that they do not lack anything and are not in need.

She requests this loan to buy materials for her work, such as nail polish, files and pliers among other products, to continue working and help her family.

Note: the children in the photo are children of the members of the group who signed this loan.

In this group: Modesta Marlene, Lourdes Mabel, Zunilda, Maria Librada, Maria Gloria, Margarita, Maria Ester, Perla, Maria, Mariana, Emilia, Liz Mariana, Ermelinda, Isidora, Gloria Estefana, Maria Felipa, Maria Agustina, Sindia, Monica Beatriz, Jorgelina, Vanesa, Clara Raquel, Dahiana Marisol, Lizz Maribel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

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