A loan helped a member to buy sugar, rice, oil, meat, eggs, bread, salsa, flour, vegetables, coffee, salt, soap, etc.

Canal De Bendicion 1 : Grupo 1 Group's story

Jeanette is from Haiti. She is a 48-year-old woman who is currently in a relationship. She is an entrepreneurial woman, the mother of three children, and she went to school through grade five.

She came to the Dominican Republic seeking a better quality of life and a better future for her family. She has been in business for approximately 22 years. She now has a convenience store where she sells sugar, rice, oil, meat, eggs, bread, salsa, flour, vegetables, coffee, salt, and soap, among other basic staple products. She operates this business in her home.

Although the prices tend to rise in a constant manner, this obstacle does not cause Jeanette anxiety since she feels very optimistic regarding the future of her business.

With this loan she wishes to buy more supplies to stock her store, to have a greater variety of products, to grow her business, to satisfy the needs of her customers, and to succeed in generating more income.

She is the coordinator of the group and this is the 19th loan with AEI. Her dream is to be able to finish her house. Thanks for the support given to Jeanette and to the group Canal De Bendicion 1: Grupo 1.

In this group: Irlande, Jeanette, Maritza , Berami

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

Loan details

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