A loan helped a member to purchase seeds and fertilizers.

3 De Mayo Campanayoc Group's story

Cristina is a member of the community bank named "3 de Mayo Campanayoc" She is dedicated to the business of farming and has land where she grows coffee and plantains. She works from 6AM to 6PM and has many years doing this type of business, which is working well for her.

Cristina's dream is to grow her farming business. She is requesting a loan to purchase seeds and fertilizer. She's very happy about this opportunity that she has because of this loan and commits to paying punctually her

In this group: Cristina, Monica Celi, Joseph Sheddy, Wilian, Leonidas, Edison, Franklin, Glenys Nuria, Luz Marina, Laura, Siomer Andriana

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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