A loan helped a member to buy ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, and spices, and a microwave.

Mujeres Encantadoras Group's story

Frequently, small food stalls are found, covered with bright tablecloths, within the markets of Guatemala or in owned or rented properties.

Bernada, a 47-year-old woman, has recently become a widow. She is the mother of five daughters (10 to 31 years old). The oldest ones, with secondary educations, are married and are the mothers of three children, while the two youngest are primary and secondary students.

Bernada has a high school diploma and for ten years has made a living from a convenience store and a cafeteria. She has her own property and also delivers orders, and she is gaining popularity! Bernarda is supported by an employee who delivers these orders.

She is requesting a loan from Kiva to buy a microwave and ingredients.

There are eight women who are part of the Puente de Amistad communal bank, “Mujeres Encantadoras.” Three of these women are Mayan Achí speakers. They live in a rural zone of the department/state of Baja Verapaz.

The women meet monthly to perform loan payments and to participate in educational training meetings. They learn effective business management skills that help them with their small tortilla stores, cafeterias, food sales, and the resale of traditional clothing and accessories. The women also learn about health, nutrition, and hygiene.

“MiCrédito Plus” refers to the effective combination of loans, education, and health.

Thank you to the Kiva lenders for their kindness!

In this group: Elisa Martha Griselda, Deisy Floridalma, Floridalma, Transito , Bernarda Estrada , Reyna Esther , Brenda Leticia , Kellyn Azucena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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