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A loan helped to buy clothing and beauty products to sell.

Margarita Del Rocio's story

Margarita Del Rocio lives with her family in Montecristi, which stands out for its handicrafts that are made out of toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua [a local fiber plant] and wood. Here they make the fine straw hats that are know all over the world as "Panama hats."

Margarita Del Rocio has a business in her house where she sells a large variety of clothing for men, women, and children. She also sells beauty products from the Avon brand (perfumes, creams, cosmetics, and jewelry). She sells at home and door-to-door to her customers, selling on credit and collecting weekly.

Margarita Del Rocio needs this loan to buy t-shirts, pants, shirts, jewelry, lipsticks, nail polish, shampoo, eye shadow, anti-aging creams, and other merchandise.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (34)
  • .
  • Arthur Taiwan
  • A
  • J
    Johnny Cantabrigia, United States
  • W
  • D
  • SodaJunkie Bethany, CT, United States
  • N
    Nathan Las Vegas, NV, United States
  • Global Patent Solutions
  • Mithan markham, Ontario, Canada
Contributing teams (13)

Loan details

Cantabrigia, United States
Bethany, CT, United States
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Global Patent Solutions
markham, Ontario, Canada
Common Interest
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Episcopal Church in the United States
Religious Congregations
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LOTUS: Lend Out To Uplift Self-sufficiency
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In Loving Memory of Baby Henry John Helms-North
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