A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and other materials.

Nengah's story

Nengah is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in hand-carved wood art. He would like to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and other materials.

Nengah has been selling through NOVICA since 2004. This is his story:

"From an early age I loved natural things: plants, animals, birds, or sea life. When I was still quite young I knew I had an ability to translate nature into artful things of beauty. Although I have no formal art training and work purely from my own inspiration and intuition, I know what looks good and what doesn't look right in a carving. I particularly want to create wildlife and other animal themes in an exact, realistic, and original way."

"Thank you so much for always helping me and my fellow artisans. This microcredit is very helpful and allows us to continue crafting new items."

Use the link below to view Nengah's hand-carved wood art on the NOVICA site: http://www.novica.com/kiva/4660/

This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details