A loan helped to buy 25 broiler chicks with 25 kg of starter feed and 75 kg of finishing feed.

Christine's story

Christine is a 46-year-old separated woman. She is the mother of one child. The family lives in a clay house.

She engages in agriculture and breeding. Christine has been breeding broilers for several years.

To expand her business, she decided to take loans from Vahatra. She will buy with the loan money 25 broiler chicks with 25 kg of starter feed and 75 kg of finishing feed. She goes to sell her broiler chickens to the village butcher after several days of breeding.

She will continue to save her earnings. She plans to build a permanent house in the future.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Patricia Pagenel.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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