A loan helped to buy an oven, a mixer, molds and materials such as flour, eggs, meat, cheese, sugar, butter and preserves.

Jennifer Alexandra's story

Jennifer is 28 years old. She is an enthusiastic single woman with no children. She lives with her grandmother and her aunt. Her grandmother got her house through a government social aid project.

Jennifer has a high school education. Her life has not been easy, she had to work from an early age to cover her expenses. She is about to become a single mother and will have her first child without the support of her partner.

Jennifer makes appetizers for parties and events, her products are delicious and therefore are in high demand. She needs to acquire kitchen utensils and is requesting a loan to buy an oven, a mixer, molds, and materials such as flour, eggs, meat, cheese, sugar, butter, and preserves.
This investment will help her make her appetizers more easily and efficiently to enable her to meet the demand, since she sometimes has large orders that require manual labor.

Jennifer dreams of having her own store with which to expand her business to other areas. In this way, she hopes to have the economic stability to buy a house and provide a good environment for her child to grow up in. Jennifer wants her child to be born healthy and without complications.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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