A loan helped to buy equipment and car parts for his business.

Murun's story

The active and determined young man in this photo is Murun. He is 42 years old and a father of five children. He has been running a car repair shop for five years, while his wife works as a seamstress. He currently has no employees, but his older brother helps him a lot in his business.

The reason why he started this business is because he has a lot of experience in this work, and it is what he wanted to do. He serves 5 to 10 people a day. As his business continues to expand, his family's living conditions will improve, and he will be able to fulfill his dreams. His biggest dream is to expand his business to own a car repair shop and raise his children to be good people. The problem with his business is that there are many competitors in this type of business, and he has little free time due to the heavy workload. He will use this loan to buy equipment and car parts for his business.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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