A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers, pesticides and other farming inputs and increasing her income.

Upendo Group's story

This group consists of three members who share a strong bond of solidarity and mutual support. They are all living in the same district. They joined Victoria Finance PLC in 2017 and since then, have proved to form a strong cohesion. Their main activity is paddy farming.

The first one from the left is Rehema, a 55-years-old woman, married and blessed with four children, who is also a chairperson of Group. She joined Victoria Finance PLC in 2017 to benefit from an Agriculture loan. She has been practicing paddy farming for over 20 years and she is witnessing the positive impact that agriculture has brought to her life. She does paddy farming on six hectors under an irrigation scheme.

She is seeking a loan from KIVA to buy fertilizers, pesticides and other farming inputs and hopes this will increase her paddy productivity, hence increasing her income.

Since the loan is intended to be invested in a paddy farming expansion then she will use the increased generated income to provide food, school fees and increase a working capital.

She is grateful to KIVA and lenders and promises to repay the loan on time.

In this group: Rehema , Asha , Emilio

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income micro-entrepreneurs access collateral free capital to improve their businesses

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details