A loan helped a repeat Kiva borrower w/ a post-COVID recovery rebrand to help motorsports companies hire diverse talent!

Marie's story

I’m a Wisconsin-native who went to college on the West Coast and ended up working in the tech industry in the early days of the Dot Com boom of the late 1990s. For the last 25+ years, I've spent my career recruiting technical talent while working for Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, Verizon, Expedia, Couchbase, and Medallia.

In the early years of my career, I was often one of the only women in the companies I was working at, which was not always a comfortable thing. As a result, I am sensitive to the need to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce and for opportunities for women to feel like they belong in traditionally male environments.

I've been a fan of motorsports since I was a child. If it has wheels and an engine, I want to see it race! Recently, I realized I can leverage my skills in recruiting diverse, degreed professionals in STEM fields with my passion for advancing women in motorsports, so I've decided to pivot my company's customer base towards helping motorsports organizations achieve their DEIB goals by helping them hire, train, and retain women and minorities.

My other passion is coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs. Most race car drivers, especially the women, are small business owners just like I am. I do pro bono and fee-based coaching with them to make sure that they have the tools needed to run their business effectively while also being competitive on the race track. In 2002 I was recognized by the SBA as a Women’s Business Champion for the mentoring work I’ve done.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Polaris Talent

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: polaristalent.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details