A loan helped her to buy men and women's clothes wholesale, and women and children's footwear.

Blanca Estela's story

Blanca has decided to request another loan to invest in one of her businesses, because this way she will have a more diverse inventory. The loan will be good to buy men and women's clothes wholesale, and footwear for women and children.
Thanks to the previous loan, she was able to strengthen her business and her investment results were positive. Nowadays, her earnings have increased and she has more satisfied customers.
Currently, besides cultivating corn, she sells clothes and footwear. Blanca says that she started to sell clothes and footwear 3 years ago to generate more earnings. She attends her business from 1:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. She learned this work from one of her friends. She lives with her young daughter.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers that are sole contributors to household income.

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